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Sample Dashboards

Some sample use cases for you to understand the power of our AI/ML platform – GoFinDAasS.

Farmland Real-Estate Value and Real-Estate Debt

The dashboard “Farmland Real-Estate Value and Real-Estate Debt” provides insights into farmland over a period of 13+ years. This has been created on Python with Data Engineering tools including “XYZ” and Data Analytics tools “ABC”

Historical Farmland Charge-Offs (All Commercial Banks) vs Quarterly CPI

Historical Farmland Charge-Offs (All Commercial Banks) vs S&P 500

Farmland  Real-Estate Value and LTV

Corn Price Correlation with Consumer Price Index

Corn Price vs Dollar Receipts

Historical Farmland Charge-Offs (All Commercial Banks) vs vs 10 Yr Treasury

Historical Farmland Charge-Offs (All Commercial Banks) vs Quarterly CPI


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